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Fouad Kurdi

Fouad Kurdi mediates high-stakes, complex disputes that span a wide range of legal specialties, including product liability, contracts, cyber security & privacy, bankruptcy, antitrust, mass tort, and mass action cases. Recently, Fouad successfully mediated numerous disputes involving public nuisance claims asserted by thousands of public entities against multiple companies, culminating in settlements exceeding $15 billion. Fouad has also mediated complex PFAS-related disputes, including claims asserted by public and private entities against chemical suppliers and industrial operators.

Fouad has notable experience mediating complex antitrust disputes, recently facilitating a mid-trial settlement in a closely watched federal antitrust case involving a challenged multi-billion dollar cross-border merger. In the commercial bankruptcy sector, Fouad is currently mediating several high-profile bankruptcy cases, including multiple chapter 11 cases involving divisional mergers (so-called “Texas Two-Step” cases). Fouad was trained by and often mediates with Professor Eric Green, one of the country’s most highly regarded mediators. Fouad holds a certificate from Harvard Law School’s Program on Negotiation after successfully completing an intensive formal course on mediating disputes.

In addition to his mediation practice, Fouad specializes in the administration of complex mass tort trusts, where he provides operational and strategic guidance. He is highly experienced in establishing and implementing claim evaluation protocols, ensuring complex claims are administered in a cost-efficient and timely manner. Passionate about finding creative solutions to the novel issues that often arise in complex trusts, Fouad collaborates with stakeholders to craft and implement successful strategies. He strives to build meaningful and trusting relationships with all trust stakeholders and claimants.

Currently, Fouad serves as the Executive Director of the Takata Airbag Tort Compensation Trust Fund and the Takata Airbag Individual Restitution Fund, where he  oversees all Trust operations, including legal, claims administration, financial reporting, economic forecasting, lien resolution, and investment management. Fouad also served as an advisor to the Insys Victim’s Restitution Trust (VRT), a trust formed in the first major opiate-related chapter 11 bankruptcy case to compensate tort claimants.

Before joining Resolutions, LLC, Fouad served as a litigation and financial restructuring associate at Brown Rudnick LLP, following a clerkship for the Honorable Mary F. Walrath at the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware. Fouad has also published several articles on many bankruptcy law issues, including bankruptcy trusts. See, e.g.Channeling Injunctions In Hindsight: Lessons Learned from the Takata Airbag Trust, 2022 Ann. Surv. of Bankr. Law 7; A Question of Power: Non-Consensual Third-Party Releases in Chapter 11 Plans, 25 Norton J. Bankr. L. & Prac. 4 Art. 6 (Aug. 2016); Is Lung Disease “Individual” Enough? In re Emoral and Why the Answer is No, Am. Bankr. Ins. Unsecured Trade Creditors Newsletter (Feb. 2015). Fouad graduated cum laude from Georgia State University’s College of Law, where he also completed a master’s degree in taxation.